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Environmental Protection in China, markets, technologies,applications and developments 2006 to 2015 and 2025
Waste, Water, Air, Energy,Noise, Measurement,Control,Analysis,Automation,
Recycling und sustainable developments.

Umwelschutz Maerkte in China 2006 bis 2015 und 2025
See also Water Markets in China

China's economic development has improved the country's standard of living considerably. However, its enormous economic growth has also led to serious environmental pollution. It is estimated that environmental damage costs up to 8 percent of China's gross domestic product each year. Since the 1990's, the Chinese government has made efforts to improve the natural environment by enforcing stricter environmental protection laws and regulations. As a result, the country is experiencing the fastest growth in demand for environmental products and services in the world and will be in some
years the biggest market worldwide.

Sustainable Economic Development

As China's economy continues to race ahead, it is paying the costs associated with the rapid growth. The country has become the world's biggest coal consumer and second biggest consumer of power and petroleum, while using 50 percent of the world's cement and 35 percent of iron ore. China's urban areas produce more than150 million tons of garbage, with an annual growth rate of 9 percent. There has also been sharp increase in industrial waste, with 650 million tons produced each year. Most of the waste has been buried or burned untreated by unauthorized small businesses. Water scarcity is another increasingly prevalent problem. Water per capita is about 2,300 cubic meters, ranking 121st in the world. Among 668 Chinese cities, over 400 are short of water. The unit cost of resources and energy for local industries is four times the global average. Last year, China lost more than 2.5 million hectares of arable land, a loss rate as high as 50 percent. Air quality in many cities ranks among the worst in the world. The Chinese government has recognized that sustainable economic development is most important and has paid extraordinary attention to the environmental protection and control industry. Huge government investments, stricter environmental protection and control regulations and preferential policies now are fueling the rapid development of this sector.

Strict Enforcement

China's environmental watchdog, the State Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) was set up as a ministry at the end of March 1998, when the National Environmental Protection Agency was upgraded from a sub- ministry to a ministry and its name was changed. SEPA has a wide range of responsibilities including formulating national policies and standards as well as environmental supervision and enforcement of environmental laws and regulations at the national level. SEPA organizes the development of environmental science and technology and is responsible for national environmental education, publicity and publication. In its 2004 environmental protection plan, SEPA is determined to hold officials accountable for harming the environment.

Under the new policy, Chinese officials who fail to clean up local pollution and water, or who fail to introduce improvement measures will receive negative job-performance evaluations. Assessments will be based on tests of air, water and soil in their governing areas, as well as on information collected from non-governmental organizations, media reports and citizens. By increasing environmental
accountability, SEPA intends to send an uncompromising message to officials who have tolerated businesses that expand at the expense of the environment.

In addition, SEPA is taking measures to further crack down on enterprises seriously polluting the environment. The government plans to shut down polluters threatening the safety of drinking-water
source areas, punish noise polluters, clamp down on business venues causing smoke pollution, and strictly supervise urban discharge of polluted water and garbage. Any construction project violating environmental laws or regulations will be stopped immediately.

SEPA plans to launch a cleaner production experiment on dozens of small and medium-sized enterprises selected from pharmaceutical, printing and dyeing, electroplating, paper- making and brewery industries. The factories will use clean technologies in the production process and recycle the discharge at the end rather than follow China's old practice of "treatment after pollution".

Environmental Protection Industry

In its 10th five-year plan, the Chinese government established environmental protection as one of the key pillar industries, initiating unprecedented development and growth. A comprehensive industry has taken shape, which includes manufacture of environmental protection products and cleaning products,
environmental protection services, recycling of wastes and protection of natural ecosystems. This year, the output of the industry is expected to breakthrough the RMB 250 billion mark. At present, however, China's environmental protection industry is unable to meet the demand of the country's economic development and is providing a huge market and vast opportunities for foreign
companies. According to the projection of Chinese authorities, the growth rate of environmental industries in China will maintain a level of more than 20 percent. Starting this year, the once totally
government-funded industry has been allowed to charge its users, such as heavy industry plants and hospitals, in order to attract private and foreign investors.

The environmental protection market in China is comprised of four major sectors:  energy, water treatment, air pollution and solid waste management and related segments. The country currently spends far more on the water sector than on air and solid waste. In November 2000, the State Council
issued a notice requiring all cities with populations over 100,000 to build wastewater treatment facilities. Solid waste treatment, predominately through incineration and landfill, is expanding as
China slowly begins to enforce its comprehensive solid and hazardous waste law. At present, the Chinese government plans to allocate several billion for the implementation of this plan, which includes construction of 31 hazardous waste treatment centers and 300 centralized medical waste treatment facilities as well as the establishment of 31 hazardous waste registration centers at the
provincial level. In the air pollution control sector, current focuses in China include sulfur dioxide and acid rain control, as well as curbing vehicle emissions. In addition, China requires that all coal-fired power plants install desulfurization equipment by the year 2010.

Green GDP

The Chinese government is currently working on the criteria and indexes of the so-called green gross domestic product, which deducts the cost of resources consumption and environmental damage from the traditional GDP. The new set of criteria is expected to be completed in three to five years. Beginning this year, various new methods will be adopted at local levels in some pilot provinces and cities. China at present still faces difficulties in evaluating the loss of resources and environment incurred by economic activities. Based on the United Nations' environmental economic account system, the green GDP system of China will be created in three sequences. The first step will be to work on the quantity of natural resources consumed in economic activities. During the second stage, the environmental loss caused by economic development will be examined. The last step will be to value the quantity of resources and environmental loss. The Chinese government decided to choose land, forestry, mineral and water resources as the first group of resources to be considered. In the coming years, China will expand the experimental scope.

It needs more than 80 billion US $ per year to make the integrated environment quality  in china to meet the International Standard.  China will become the world’s largest market for the investment of environment protection industry, and the demands for the environment products will be increased extensively. In addition to the market for the end treatment of the environment pollution, there are great commercial opportunities in all segments.



Management Summary
We provide a Management Summary of the total Study, 150 pages with markets, technologies, applications and developments 2006-2015-2025

SEGMENT I: Solid Waste Disposal & Materials Recovery

2.Legal Regulations
3.Collection and Transportation
4.Dumping Site Technology
5.Solid Waste Treatment and Utilization
7.Incineration of Clarification Plant Sludge
8.Incineration of Domestic Refuse
9.Treatment and Incineration of Hazardous Waste
11.Total Market Volume and Future Market Growth for Solid Waste Disposal and Materials Recovery in China (2006-2015)
13.The Disposal and Recycling of Plastics in the Automotive Industry – Prospects.

SEGMENT II: Water Purification & Effluents Treatment

1.Current and Future Technologies for Water Purification and Effluents Treatment
2.Current and Future Technologies for the Treatment of Seepage Water
3.Legal Regulations
4.Current State and Future Developments in Water Purification and Effluents Treatment in China
5.Water Production and Supply (Public) in the Individual Cantons
6.Quantities of Effluents in China
7.Quantities of Sludge Derived from Municipal Effluents Treatment in China
8.The number of Inhabitants attached to Effluents Treatment Plants in China (2006-2015)
9.Number of Clarification Plants in China
10.Market Volume and Future Market Growth for Public Effluents Treatment Plants in China (2006-2015)
11.Market Volume and Future Market Growth for Municipal and Industrial Effluents Treatment Plants in China (2006-2015)
12.Market Volume and Future Market Growth for Seepage Water Treatment in China
13.Total Market Volume and Future Market Growth for Water Purification and Effluents Treatment in China (2006-2015)

SEGMENT III: Measurement, process Control and Analysis

1.Total Market for M, PC & A in Environmental Technologies in China (2006-2015)
2.Air Quality Control
3.Water Purification & Effluents Treatment
4.Solid Waste
5.Noise Reduction
6.Developments in Market Technologies and Expected Trends

SEGMENT IV: Air Quality Control

1.Current and Future Technologies in Air Quality Control worldwide
2.Current and Future Technologies in Air Quality Control
3.Current and Future Technologies in Air Quality Control – Legislation
4.Expected Reductions of Sulphur Dioxide in China up to 2015
5.Total Market Volume and Future Market Growth on Air Quality Control in China (2006-2015)
6.Market Volume and Future Market Growth for Desulphurization Plants in China (2006-2015)
7.Market Volume and Future Market Growth for Denitrification Plants in China (2006-2015)
8.Market Volume and Future Market Growth in Air Quality Control for Smaller Power Plants and Industrial Installations in China (2006-2015)

SEGMENT V: Noise Reduction

1.Current and Future Developments in Noise Reductions worldwide
2.Potential Areas for Noise Reduction
3.Noise Reduction in Maschine Constructions
4.Current and Future Technologies in Noise Reductions in China
5.Total Market Volume and Future Market Growth for Noise Reduction in China (2006-2015)
6.Market Volume and Future Market Growth for Noise Reduction on Highways in China (2006-2015)
7.Market Volume and Projected Market Growth for Noise Protection on Highways  in China (2006-2015)
8.Market Volume and Future Market Growth for Acoustics in Building and Construction in China (2006-2015)

SEGMENT VI: Energy, Clean Energy and Regenerative Energy

1.Current Situation
2.New Technologies
3.Energy, Clean Energy and Regenerative Energy
4.Market Volume and Future Market Growth in Energy, Clean Energy and Regenerative Energy in China (2006-2015)

Segment VII: Laws, Regulations and Compliance

1.Summary of all Laws and Regulations and Compliance

Segment VII: Strategies to enter the Markets Successfully in China

Segment IX: Companies in China’s Environmental Market

1.3000 Companies and their Activities.

How to ORDER:


Total Study (more than 450 pages)  4.900 Euro
Summary of the total Study, 150pages                 2.900 Euro
Segments                     2.900 Euro for each Segment
Presentation                after request

You can order by e-mail, or fax. We will send you an invoice along with the account information. The Study will be sent after the payment has been made and received. Our studies are available on a CD-Rom or as an electronic form (sent via e-mail), as you please.

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