Study: NanoCar
Nanotechnology and Converging Technologies in Automotive Industry 2008-2010-2015
State of Science and Applications of 70 Automobile Manufacturers, Key Technologies, Market Developments, Global Competitive Advantages and Strategic Implications of Nanotechnology and Converging Technologies (Nano-Bio-Neural-Info) in Automotive Industries and related Industries.
* NanoCar is a global study about the change of the automotive industry through the development of nanotechnology in 70 automobile manufacturers worldwide 2006, 2008 to 2015. The Future Car is related to cost-effective improvements, based on miniaturisation, new lighter and stronger materials, new energy systems, and will be intelligent.
1. Initial Position
The study is based on the investigation and analysis of the state of science and applications and development 2008,2010,2015 of over 70 automobile manufacturers worldwide. Some of the leading companies involved in this study are:

General Motors


Toyota Audi


Opel Ferrari



Hyundai Honda


Jaguar Porsche Peugeot
Saab Rover Citroen Huachangcar Mazda Alfa Romeo Asia Motors Mitsubishi Vauxhall Subaru
Through nanotechnology, the automotive industry will get its new growth potential and development momentum. The design and manufacturing of cars, trucks and buses etc. will be affected by nanotechnology and the related technologies up to 60% in 10 years. The ability of manipulating the molecules and atoms opens new dimensions for the automotive industry. Nanotechnology is a "Must" for the automobile companies.
The dominating trends of the science and technology go to the nanoscale. The automotive industry will benefit from this trend by getting advanced powertrain, using new energy, reducing car weight, enhancing material functions, increasing comfort degree & flexibility, raising cost efficiency and so on. Almost all the automobile components can be improved by nanotechnology. The nanotechnology provides the automotive industry with gargantuan space for innovations and mammoth chance for new markets. The competition in 10 years could well depend on the development and application of nanotechnology by manufacturers in their automobiles.
The nanotechnology has close synergism with other new molecular scaled technology: bio, neural, and infotech. Their convergence realizes the exact control of molecular construction. The converging technologies will not only affect the industry, but also change the life style and society. Their impacts on the environment, energy, labor market and national economy should be scrutinized in advance.
There are a few major automobile companies in the stage of research and primary applications of nanotechnology today. Until 2010 all the automobile manufacturers and a large part of the suppliers will be involved in this field. The market volume growth will be a key factor in the analysis through the Delphi-method.
2. Experiences and Development of HKC (Helmut Kaiser Consultancy)
In 1989, 1990, 1995 and the following years HKC published studies regarding microsystem technology, micro electronics and several studies about developments in the automotive, securities and aircraft industry.
Since 1980, HKC develops future oriented studies, books, guides and road maps in new technologies and sciences. Environment protection, microsystems, material science, neural technologies, energy and renewable energy are some of our work fields and competence. In February 2001 we published the first study worldwide about convergence of nanotechnology-biotechnology-neural-information technology.
The converging nano-bio-neural (cogno) and information will be the overall revolution in the 21st century. It will open new windows for human beings. New developments and innovations change the society.
The study "Nanotechnology and Converging technologies in Automotive Industries 2003-2006-2010-2015" concentrates on the impacts and applications of nanotechnology in the next generation of cars, trucks and buses, including energy upgrading, advanced powertrain, functional materials, electronics and communication etc. It scientifically examines, collects and evaluates all companies, markets, branches, applications, developments, state of science and expected developments
worldwide and provides a prognosis for the next 15 years.
3. Structure of the Study/Time Schedule
The total study is divided into several segments which can be obtained separately.
All parts or segments include: Summary, state of science and developments 2006, 2008, 2010, 2015 and prospects, companies, competition, branches, applications and products according to countries, regions, worldwide, in turnover, volume and potential.
Markets and branches, applications and countries can also be obtained separately.
The study are already available and to be delivered on request.
4. Aims and Benefits of the Study
Aim of the study is the analysis of the global markets and developments, research and development, the companies, organizations, branches and products. The years 2006 are the basis, as well as the further development in2010 and 2015, and prospects for the following years.
The study shows turnover, volume, potentials, product fields and products, applications, competition, companies, countries, regions worldwide, profit potentials, value chains, research expenditures, investments, factors of success, strategies, and opportunities & risks. A separate evaluation and representation is made for the stocks, including an evaluation of companies and prognosis for the stock markets in the US, Japan, Germany, China and other European & Asian Countries.
The strategies of car manufacturers are evaluated with expenditures, research & developments, market potentials and their opportunities & risks for the next years and decades.
The study is suitable to check the state of research and development, derive innovations, check or compare the state of competitors and adjust or define the own strategies. This applies to companies, institutes, organizations, investors and countries or states respectively.
5. Table of Contents
Management Summary
State of Nanotechnology and Converging Technologies: Today, R&D Expenditure, Investment and Market
Overview of Nanotechnology and Converging Technologies in Automotive Industry
Macro-, micro-, und nano-structure in automotive industry
Automobile technologies go to nano-scale
Synergic development of nanotech, biotech, neurology & infomatics, and their convergence
Market Segments of Nanotechnology in Automotive Industry
Nanotech based energy generation and storage

A. Fuel cells

B. Solar cells

C. Gasoline catalyst

D. Energy storage
Nano structured materials/ Nanocomposites/ Nanoparticles

Light weight structure materials

Fire-resistent and thermal protection materials

Strength, hardness and duration improvement

Functional paint and coating/ Smart skins

Other functional materials
Ultrafine sensing and monitoring

F. Others

A. Smart engine management

B. Displays and lighting

C. High Temperature Electronics

D. Security controlling

E. Long-lasting batteries

F. Others
Data processing and communication

A. Image processing

B. Car telematics

C. Multimedia architecture

D. Artificial intelligence

E. Others
Biomedical applications

A. Hygienics

B. Rescue system

C. Interactive biological design

D. Others
A. Measuring and controlling
B. Instruments, tools and machines
C. Automation and tele-management
D. Others
(8) Environment
A. Environmental technology
B. Environmental chances & risks
C. Recycling/ Refurbishment
Key Techniques and Tools of Nanotechnology and Converging Technologies in Automotive Industry
(1) Carbon nanotube based technologies
(2) Circuits and architectures
(3) Inorganic nanowires, nanocrystals and quantum dots
(4) Modeling and simultation
(5) Nanobio fusion
(6) Molecular electronics and nanoelectronics
(7) Nanofabrication and nanolithography
(8) Nanomaterials: sysnthesis and characterization
(9) Nano-optics, nano-optoelectronics and nanophotonics
(10) Nanorobotics: manufacturing and reliability
(11) Nanosensors and actuators
(12) Spintronics and nanomagnetics
Analysis of Patents and Know-Hows
Value Chain of Nanotechnology and Converging Technologies in Automotive Industry
Value advantage for consumer
Value advantage for manufacturer
Value Added Points of Nanotechnology and Converging Technologies in Automotive Industry
(1) Performance
(2) Safety
(3) Environment
(4) Cost efficiency
(5) Comfort
(6) Communication
(7) Others
Success Factors of the Application of Nanotechnology and Converging Technologies in Automotive Industry
Chances and Risks
Products and Services in the Branches/Fields
Turnover and Development of the Products of Nanotechnology in Automotive Industries (2006)
Turnover and Development of the Products of Nanotechnology in Automotive Industries 2008
Turnover and Development of the Products of Nanotechnology in Automotive Industries up to 2010
Turnover and Development of the Products of Nanotechnology in Automotive Industries up to 2015
Countries ( origin of the car manufacturer )
USA, Japan, Germany, France, UK, Italy, South Korea, China, Russia, the rest of the World
(1) Market and competition analysis
(2) Market development trends
(3) Impacts of the nanotechnology and converging technologies on the nations
(4) Elements of culture and legislation
Comparison of the activities of the major automobile and freight vehicle manufacturers worldwide (over 70 competitors) in the fields of nanotechnology and converging technologies
6. Analysis and Evaluation/Report Forms/Languages
The study is available as download, hardbound book or other forms.
The study is available as follows:
- Total study
- Parts of the study
- Study plus presentation
- Lecture and workshops
- Analysis of competition and branch analysis
- Innovation studies and exclusive studies and Consulting/Innovation workshops
- Diversification study and consulting
- Investment guide
- Consulting/Support/Marketing/Financing/Investment consulting
Languages : English/German/Chinese, other languages by request.
The prices of the study are listed in the reply form attached. For the other items, your request is welcome. For further information and offers, please contact us.
Address: Helmut Kaiser Consultancy ,
Stauffenbergstr. 41
D-72074 Tuebingen, Germany
Fax: 0049 07071 68086
Phone: 0049 07071 67001
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If you need or wish a special study, please make an inquiry.
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